0x0A Avra

Reasons for replacement:

One particular reason is that Boxer is one of my least favorite
characters to deal with in PvP matches of Super Turbo, due to
how annoyingly good he was in that game (has one of the best
supers in the game, LP Low Rush has huge frame advantage,
rushdown is hard to deal with, he does a little too much damage
in general). I thought this would be a perfect character slot
for an original creation of mine. Since I included a female
announcer, and Boxer's Turn Around Punch uses announcer voice
clips (since the Japanese version of CE), it is a given that he
must be replaced with a woman, to avoid gender mismatch. It can
also be seen as a play on the highest T.A.P level.

Boxer seems to be among the most significantly buffed
characters from HF to regular SSF2, especially with the Guile
matchup in mind, which was like a 10-0 for Guile in CE. No,

Worth noting, is that Boxer has THE highest amount of
unused/leftover Hitboxes in the game. A good amount of his
Hitboxes are specific to either CE, HF or even both. Some of
his HF Hitboxes were repurposed for either his new crouching
normals, jumping normals or Headbutt.

Goal of the Changes:

Turn a rushdown character into a zoning character who can heal
and has other boss qualities. The Turn Around Punch and
Anti-air special will be like Old Boxer in New Legacy. Avra
follows the nature of a fighting game boss in a way.

-Boxer is replaced with Avra.

-Moved the Art Loader and Sprite Map Data to a different area
 in the ROM.

-Avra has a higher dizzy rate.

-Avra has less defense.

-Avra receives more knock back during hit stun.

-Avra receives 2 less frames of hit stun, making her safe from
 certain combos. Some characters like Jadoo, Zangief, Sagat,
 Emily and Madonna can still combo her without too much of a

-Avra's dizzy timer counts down twice as fast as other

-Avra's jumps are floatier.

-Avra's forward jump has more horizontal movement.

-Avra can steer her jumps. She can also speed up the descent
 of her jumps and back dashes by holding down.

-Avra lies on the ground from non-sweep knockdowns for 7
 frames longer.

-Avra wakes up 4 frames faster.

-Stand Block Body Hurtbox is lower to the ground.

-Stand Block Foot Hurtbox is raised higher. This lets Avra be
 able to Stand Block attacks that other characters would have
 to Crouch Block.

-Crouch Body Hurtbox is stretched, like in New Legacy.

-Non-rapid fire Normal Moves do block damage, like with Pyron
 in the first Darkstalkers game, and Magneto in X-Men: Children
 of the Atom. At first, S.LP and C.LP also did block damage,
 but later I decided that it was too much, as it outclassed
 Madonna as a speed killer.

-S.LP and C.LP do less damage.

-S.HP starts up 4 frames faster, stays active 6 frames longer,
 and recovers 4 frames faster.

-S.HP can knockdown airborne opponents.

-S.LK plays the Light Kick hit sound.

-S.MK plays the Medium Kick hit sound instead of the Medium
 Medium Punch hit sound.

-S.MK is a move where Avra slaps her ass, and restores a
 little bit of health. The MK button can be held to continue
 slapping her ass. It does light stun, block damage and can
 knockdown. The slap can also be back dash cancelled after
 Avra slaps her own ass.

-Avra can destroy projectiles by slapping her ass!

-Close and Far S.HK play the Heavy Kick hit sound instead of
 the Heavy Punch hit sound.

-C.LP is active for 1 frame less, and recovers 1 frame faster.

-C.HK has a 3 frame faster startup, so it can be special

-C.HK recovers 3 frames faster, like with HF Boxer.

-J.LK stays active until it lands.

-Avra can grab with Kick buttons in addition to Punch buttons.
 This change was somewhat made with 3-button controller users
 in mind. Avra can option select between slapping her ass or
 kissing her opponent.

-Avra's Hold plays a smooch voice clip.

-Avra's Hold restores 2 HP per hit, like Shade Man from Mega
 Man 7.

-Avra can grab from crouch.

-Avra's Hold uses 1 less animation frame, allowing for more

-Avra's Hold does 5 more hits by default (13 -> 18).

-With charge times reinstated, her charge commands require only
 40 frames of charging.

-Rush moves are now semi "projectile" special moves that are
 stationary. No longer do these animations "pause" until the
 opponent is within range.

-Light Lusters cause a reverse knockdown.

-Turn Around Punch charges way faster.

-Turn Around Punch Level 7 plays the spin sound inserted in
 this ROM Hack.

-Turn Around Punch now has no Body and Foot Hurtbox during most
 of its startup, so it can be used to pass through projectiles
 like with Boxer in Hyper Fighting, as well as Roll's
 Horizontal Rolls and Cammy's Cannon Drills (if she does it
 early enough).

-Turn Around Punch startup uses a different Head Hurtbox
 adjusted to let it pass through Jadoo's Headbutts.

-Turn Around Punch last startup part uses a different Foot
 Hurtbox where most of her lower body is invulnerable.

-Turn Around Punch stays active for 6 frames less.

-Turn Around Punch recovers 5 frames faster.

-Turn Around Punch has less friction.

-Turn Around Punch doesn't create dust trails.

-Avra can cancel block stun into Kick Turn Around Punch.
 Inspired by Lord Zedd from Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers:
 The Fighting Edition, where he could teleport out of hit stun,
 block stun and even impact freeze, apparently.

I wanted to make it so that cancelling block stun into the TAP
requires releasing the kick buttons first, but it wouldn't
work under such conditions.

-Mighty Heel can be performed with both punch and kick buttons.

-Mighty Heel's startup has no Pushbox.

-Heavy Mighty Heel's 2nd startup frame moves forward to make it
 better at combo'ing.

-Light Mighty Heel's 2nd active part is given a Body Hurtbox.

-All Mighty Heel strengths have only 6 frames of startup,
 making it closer to Old Boxer's Headbutt in New Legacy.

-Mighty Heel's 2nd active part and recovery use the airborne

-Mighty Heel's jump height is decreased.

-Mighty Heel's gravity is 1/4 lower, to make the move less
 safe. MP version's gravity now matches the LP and HP versions.

Straight Rush -> High Luster
Upper Rush -> Low Luster
Buffalo Headbutt -> Mighty Heel
Turn Around Punch/Turn Punch -> Turn Around Peach

Rev. 1.8:

-J.HP is now a butt attack like S.HP.

-Diagonal J.HP reuses Neutral J.HP's animation data.

Rev. 2.0:

-Avra has brand new sprites for her S.LP that replace her
 placeholder sprites. I don't know what I was thinking
 accepting her previous S.LP sprites.

-S.LP's priority is redone. Avra's legs are more vulnerable,
 but the Hitbox has way more horizontal range. It might be
 less suitable as anti-air, though.

-S.MP when active uses a Head Hurtbox that's less projected
 forward, and a smaller Head Hurtbox.

-C.LP startup's Head Hurtbox is moved 9px downwards and is 2px

-C.LP's recovery uses the same Head Hurtbox as the one used on

-C.HP's 1st recovery frame uses her normal crouching Body

-C.LK's active and recovery frames use the same Head Hurtbox
 from C.LP's startup.

-C.HK startup's 1st Head Hurtbox is moved 5px backwards, 13px
 downwards and is 2px smaller.

-C.HK's 2nd startup frame uses her normal crouching Body and
 Foot Hurtboxes.

-Neutral J.MP's 2nd startup frame uses a smaller Head Hurtbox.

-Neutral and Diagonal J.MP use a bigger Head Hurtbox when

-Lusters use a Head Hurtbox that's less projected.

-Low Lusters' startup and its LK version's active frames use
 her standing Pushbox, instead of her crouching Pushbox.

-MK Mighty Heel's 2nd active part has its Head Hurtbox removed.

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