Goal of the Changes:
Nerf his special moves in an attempt to make him less of a
defensive character, and buff his normal moves a bit. Perhaps
most of all, he gains his Far S.LP he had in the World Warrior.
Basically, better normals but way worse specials.
On a miscellaneous note, a lot of Guile's sprites were redrawn
from WW to CE. Such sprites include his knockdown sprites,
Close S.MK active, C.MK active/C.HK 2nd hit, Neutral J.LK, and
Diagonal J.MK.
-Moved the first two stance sprites' art to a different
location in the ROM.
-3rd stance sprite uses lower body tiles taken from the SNES
ports of SF2, instead of recycling the lower body tiles from
from the 1st stance sprite. In short, his stance now has more
motion, like the SNES SF2 games.
-3rd neutral jump sprite is shifted 3px forward. It looked
-1st Crouch Hurt frame uses the same Head Hurtbox as the
later frames, so it matches the sprite.
-Medium and Heavy Crouch Hurt Animations' subsequent frames use
the same parameter list as the 1st frame(s) where his Body
Hurtbox is more projected, for Chun-Li's jump-in -> Close S.HP
to work on him when he's crouching. It seemed to be harder for
this combo to work against a crouching Guile in the SNES and
Genesis versions.
-Guile now has 5 knockdown sprites taken from the World
A boot tile on Guile's 1st tripped sprite can be fixed by
importing an art tile from the SNES version. It seems that
Capcom accidentally duplicated the tile that consists of the
tip of his boot into the tile that makes up the back of his
boot. Special Champion Edition also had this error.
-Trip liedown animation recycles his standard liedown animation
data, so using delayed wakeup wouldn't look as weird.
-Knockdown animations use a different shadow sprite that's
closer to the Arcade version.
-Lying down uses a different drop shadow that fits his sprite
better, but still isn't quite perfect for it.
-Shifted his lying down sprite 2px down to cover part of the
changed shadow sprite.
-"Slammed" animation now uses the correct sprite (or at least,
the sprite that's the closest to the one used in the Arcade
-Wakeup animation's 4th frame uses the same parameter set as
the 2 animation frames before it.
-Guile's 2nd Win Pose consists of him falling down, standing
back up and going into his stand turn sprite.
-Crouch Head Hurtbox is shifted forward and covers his whole
head on his crouching sprite. This lets Zangief 360 him from
further away.
-Crouch Body Hurtbox is shifted forward, expanded upwards a
bit and expanded horizontally, making him easier to crossup
while crouching. It also covers his shoulders while he's in
the active part of C.MK.
-Crouch Foot Hurtbox is expanded horizontally. Here's an
attempt to make him more of an offensive character, and less
of a defensive character.
-Jump Pushbox is shifted forward, slightly widened and is
-Adjusted the drop shadow choices on C.LK, C.MK, C.HK,
both J.MK's, both J.HK's.
-Guile gets his Far S.LP from World Warrior! Here, it's more
vulnerable to low attacks, and it isn't as good of an
anti-air. It can link into Close S.HP like in World Warrior.
-Close S.MP's Hitbox is lower, so it can hit a crouching
-Close S.MP recovers 4 frames faster, so he can use it in link
combos against Roll.
-Far S.MP's startup uses his stand/crouch transition sprite
(its proper startup sprite doesn't exist in this version).
-Far S.MP now has a 2nd active part with an anti-air Hitbox,
like in Super Turbo.
-Far S.MP's 1st recovery part uses the same Hurtboxes as the
2nd recovery part.
-Far S.HP has a 2 frame faster startup, but recovers 2 frames
-Close S.MK has a 1 frame faster startup. It can now be Special
-Far S.MK (also called Sobat) can be steered.
-Far S.MK's Hitbox is much shorter in height, further matching
the sprite.
-Far S.HK's startup uses a more projected Head Hurtbox.
-Far S.HK's active part uses his stance's Foot Hurtbox, making
its priority closer to WW. Jump-ins that trade with it usually
reach its Body Hurtbox anyways. If I find situations where
this is too good against a New Femme Fatale (excluding Roll,
of course), I might revert this change.
-C.LP uses proper sprites made by Luis Ramirez, instead of
recycling C.MP's sprites.
-C.HP has a 1 frame slower startup, so it can't be Special
Cancelled with the increased Cancel Window.
-C.HP knocks down.
-C.MK recovers 1 frame faster, like in CPS-1 SF2.
-C.MK uses a different Head Hurtbox that's more vulnerable.
-C.MK's Active Foot Hurtbox is 5px taller, so it can get hit
by Roll's C.LP.
-C.MK's Hitbox is squished by 5px and lowered by 4px, to
avoid hitting the Head Hurtbox of Roll's C.LP. Guile's
C.HK still does a good job of hitting that move, though.
-Both hits of C.HK play an activation sound.
-C.HK's active parts are 1 frame longer. In-between part is 3
frames longer. This way, it can hit characters twice, like in
Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
-C.HK's 2nd hit does less damage and dizzy.
-Neutral and Diagonal J.LP have a 4 frame faster startup, so
they can be Special Cancelled.
-Neutral Jump Punches and LK's Hitboxes are raised higher.
-Diagonal J.LP uses Neutral J.LP's Hitbox.
-Diagonal J.MP uses the same animation data as the Neutral
-J.MP stays active for 8 frames less.
-Diagonal J.LK can crossup, like in Super Turbo.
-Neutral J.MK's 2nd startup part uses the same parameter set
as the 1st part.
-Neutral J.MK's 3rd startup part, active and recovery have the
sprites placed lower, so that the hitting sprite matches the
-Neutral J.MK's Hitbox is vertically shorter.
-Neutral J.MK's Active Foot Hurtbox is larger, and now covers
the height of the Hitbox.
-Neutral J.MK can be steered.
-Diagonal J.MK's Hitbox is moved slightly forward and
downwards, so it can hit a crouching Jadoo.
-J.HK's startup sprite is moved forward 13px. It now matches
the horizontal position of his C.LK & C.HK startup sprite.
-Neutral and Diagonal J.HK's Hitboxes are raised up.
-MP Throw recovers 12 frames faster.
-Knee Bazooka plays the correct hit sound (previously the HK
hit sound).
-Knee Bazooka has a 2 frame longer startup.
-Knee Bazooka stays active 5 frames longer.
-Knee Bazooka travels faster and jumps lower.
-Knee Bazooka has no Pushbox while active and during its
recovery. Guile can corpse hop with it.
-Knee Bazooka does less dizzy. Less likely to dizzy from a
Close S.HP to Sonic Boom to Knee Bazooka combo, unless
each hit does a high dizzy roll.
-Knee Bazooka does heavy hitstun. It can be used as a combo
starter and link from a Close S.HK and Sonic Boom.
-Knee Bazooka 3rd startup frame uses a different Foot Hurtbox
that covers the front of his knee.
-Knee Bazooka uses a different Head Hurtbox.
-Knee Bazooka uses a different Foot Hurtbox that covers most
of his knee while active. Said Hurtbox is shifted slightly
-Knee Bazooka's Hitbox is rasied upwards and reduced
vertically. Roll can crouch under it unless it hits on the way
-Upside Down Kick can be used from any distance, like in HD
Remix and New Legacy.
-Upside Down Kick can only be activated by holding straight
forward and pressing HK (or 6+HK in numpad notations), like in
New Legacy.
-Fixed a slightly misplaced leg tile map on Upside Down Kick's
hitting sprite.
-Upside Down Kick plays the heavy normal activation sound.
-Upside Down Kick is an overhead, like in HD Remix and New
-Upside Down Kick has a 5 frame slower startup, like in HD
Remix and New Legacy (prior to v0.8).
-Upside Down Kick has a more vulnerable Head Hurtbox during
the last startup frame, and while it's active.
-Upside Down Kick's Hitbox is raised slightly higher and
reduced downwards.
-Upside Down Kick's 3rd recovery part uses the same Foot
Hurtbox as the 2nd recovery part.
-Upside Down Kick's last recovery part uses a different Foot
Hurtbox that covers his knee, so it can dodge more low
-Upside Down Kick can remain in the last recovery frame, as
long as the HK button is held, until the round is over. It's
a reference to a WW Guile glitch called "Stance", where he
could activate it by entering the Sonic Boom command during
his Upside Down Kick, after his cancel window has ended.
-Kick Air Throw launches the opponent much lower (except Mai).
-Kick Air Throw recovers 6 frames slower, preventing it from
combo'ing into C.HP or Flash Kick in certain matchups.
-Guile has his CPS-1 Sonic Boom voice clip.
-Sonic Boom has a 2 frame slower startup.
-Sonic Boom recovers 20 frames slower than in the original
Genesis version.
-Sonic Boom startup 1st part uses the same Body Hurtbox as
the 2nd part.
-Sonic Boom startup 2nd part's Body Hurtbox is expanded.
-Sonic Boom projectile's hitbox is smaller.
-Sonic Boom inflicts standard medium hitstun, instead of
special move hitstun.
-Flash Kick's 3rd startup sprite is re-aligned 13px forward and
12px downwards, to be closer to the sprite before it, like the
Arcade version. Strangely enough, it was positioned correctly
in Special Champion Edition.
-Flash Kick has less horizontal movement speed. It travels
further if the opponent is in hit stun or block stun.
-Flash Kick's 1st 3 active parts' Hitboxes are smaller. The 2nd
active Hitbox had too much downwards reach IMO.
-Flash Kick 1st active part now has a Head Hurtbox. This seems
to be an important way of balancing the move around charge
times being disabled.
-Flash Kick 2nd active part uses a more projected Head Hurtbox.
-All strengths of Flash Kick 2nd active part have a Body
-Flash Kick 3rd active part uses a larger Head Hurtbox and a
projected Foot Hurtbox.
-Flash Kick 4th active part uses a projected Foot Hurtbox.
Rev. 1.6:
-S.LK, Far S.MK and Upside Down Kick's active part each use a
shadow sprite that matches the sprite further. In Far S.MK's
case, it's to make it closer to how it is in Super Turbo.
-Close S.HP's Hitbox is expanded 2px downwards. It can now hit
a standing Jadoo.
-Close S.HK starts up 2 frames faster, like in CPS-1 SF2. It
can now be special cancelled.
-Neutral J.LK no longer has a Foot Hurtbox on startup, like in
New Legacy.
-Neutral J.LK's 2nd startup, active and recovery parts use the
Head Hurtbox from Close S.HP's active part.
-Neutral J.LK has more horizontal reach, but way less vertical
reach, like in New Legacy.
-Upside Down Kick Last Recovery's Body Hurtbox is moved 4px
upwards. It's now safe from the later active parts of Jadoo's
Headbutt when it's used on the ground.
Rev. 1.8:
-Foot Hurtbox used when knocked down is expanded 6px forward,
for juggle combos to work against him more consistently.
Rev. 2.0:
-S.LK has a big Foot Hurtbox throughout the move.
-Close S.MK starts up 2 frames faster, and recovers 2 frames
-Close S.MK can now knockdown airborne opponents.
-C.LK's Hitbox is moved 2px back.
-C.MK's active and recovery Foot Hurtboxes are expanded 4px
-J.LP can knockdown airborne opponents, at the expense of its
overhead properties.
-Diagonal J.MK's active Hurtbox is expanded 4px downwards.
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