0x08 Dictator

Goal of the Changes:

To fix his sprite usage a little, and to mix his combo
potential a bit.

-Cape Intro plays the heavy normal activation sound, like in
 CPS-1 SF2.

-His cape uses Dictator's palette line, instead of the 1st
 background palette line. It now uses the same palette indexes
 as his pads. In the Genesis SF2 games, the cape had less
 detail than it did in the SNES versions.

-Edited out a stray pixel from a head tile on his first 2 Cape
 Intro sprites (LOL!). The SNES SF2 games didn't have such a

-3 of his cape sprites from the SNES version are inserted.

-3rd stance sprite is shifted 1px backwards, so the motion
 looks a little closer to his Arcade sprites. This tended to
 bother me, so I thought I would tweak it.

-Stance now uses the same drop shadow as his walk. Said drop
 shadow is also raised up by 2px.

-Fixed a leg tile map on his stand turn sprite that used the
 wrong shape.

-Knockdown animation type 2 and Reverse Knockdown animations
 now use the correct Stand Hurt High sprite.

-Dictator now has his knockdown descent sprite, and the sprite
 when he bounces up from a knockdown.

Unlike other characters, he required me to make some custom
animation data, to make room for more animation frames, due to
some of his knockdown animations redirecting to a certain

-Re-aligned his knockdown ground hit sprite down, to further
 look like it's touching his drop shadow.

-His reaction to suplex-type throws (including 360's) is now
 fixed, so that he remains in his upside down hurt sprite until
 he hits the ground, instead of going into his knocked down

-Air Reset animation now uses the sprites where he does a flip
 after his Head Stomp connects.

-Lose by Time Over uses the same animation data as a unique
 animation. Dictator plays this animation when Zangief defeats
 him by Time Over in Arcade Mode, to avoid appearing with
 Gorbachev's palette, which gets loaded into Dictator's palette

-His win poses have their sprite usage swapped with each other.

-Added an extra pixel to a leg tile on his 1st, 2nd and 4th
 sprites on (what's now) his 1st win pose, to make them
 consistent with his 3rd sprite.

-Fixed 4 torso tile maps on his Win Pose 1-3 sprite that were
 off by a pixel. Now the sprite matches his SNES sprite.

-His mouth on his win pose 1 sprites use the darkest skin tone,
 matching his SNES sprites.

-Pre-jump is 1 frame slower, slightly weakening his juggle
 potential with Diagonal J.MP.

-Pushbox used during Scissors Kick's 1st active part is shifted
 backwards and downwards, so Dictator's LK Scissors Kick
 doesn't pass over Roll when performed on the ground.

-S.LP reaches slightly further, like in New Legacy. It is also
 expanded downwards in order to hit Jadoo's Headbutts.

-S.LP's active Head Hurtbox is shifted back, making it better
 at beating Headbutts, like in New Legacy.

-Close S.MP 1st active part has its hitbox removed (can't be
 Special Cancelled). {I know, I feel bad for removing this
 hitbox. I probably should have looked for a free Hitbox slot,
 perhaps one that's a leftover Hitbox from Special Champion
 Edition, like the nerfed C.HP Hitbox used for HF mode.}

-Close S.HP has a 2 frame faster startup.

-Both Far and Close S.LK's do less damage (same damage as
 S.LP), to weaken his combos consisting of multiple S.LK's,
 especially in the case of charge times being removed.

-Close S.LK hits lower so that Roll can't stand block it.

-C.LP while active uses the same Head Hurtbox as the startup

-C.HP has the same Hitbox dimensions as in Champion Edition, so
 it can hit Shoto Tatsus like Old Dictator in New Legacy. It
 got nerfed in Hyper Fighting.

-C.HP now does block damage, for a secret reason.

-C.HP causes a Psycho Crusher knockdown, like in SF2 Mix.

-C.LK has a 1 frame faster startup.

-C.LK can be rapid fired.

-C.LK does less damage.

-Diagonal J.MP animates like Neutral J.LP and J.MP, and can hit
 twice, like in Super Turbo.

-Diagonal J.MP uses S.LK's damage table.

-Both hits of Diagonal J.MP do way less dizzy.

-Neutral and Diagonal J.MP have a 1 frame longer startup.

-Neutral and Diagonal J.MP can knockdown airborne opponents. I
 personally hate getting hit by this move...

-Diagonal J.HP has a 3 frame faster startup, like in New

-LP Psycho Crusher has an 8 frame slower startup. This should
 make it easier to be timed so that the Hitbox after the 1st 2
 rotations of the attack juggles, when Dictator uses it after
 being released from Roll's grab.

-Psycho Crusher has its sound taken from the Arcade version.
 (PCM sample is redone)

-Psycho Crusher 3rd Rotation's Hitboxes are shifted backwards.
 It won't hit from the legs like it does in Champion Edition,
 though, because that's no fun to deal with.

-Psycho Crusher does less dizzy. One of the hits alone tended
 to fill half of the internal dizzy meter.

-Psycho Crusher's active Body Hurtbox is shifted forward 2px
 and expanded 6px forward. I kind of feel bad doing this, but I
 think this is for the best, considering its juggle potential.
 Rapid fire S.LP's can now trade with it. I want Avra's Light
 Mighty Heel 2nd active part to still be able to hit Psycho
 Crushers easily while not passing through projectiles.

-Psycho Crusher's active Body Hurtbox is also expanded
 downwards a bit.

-Dictator has a symbiote head (think: Venom or Carnage) during
 Diagonal. J.HP and Psycho Crusher.

-Scissor Kick rises higher and has higher gravity, so the 2nd
 hit can still combo after the 1st hit. Later, I found out that
 Scissors Kick can now be crouched under. Roll, Chun-Li,
 Zangief, Sagat (due to the crouching Head Hurtbox nerf I gave
 him), and Emily can't quite crouch under it during their
 crouch hurt animations. The 1st hit is especially prone to
 whiffing on crouchers. As an unintended effect, Scissor Kick
 can easily dodge Low Tiger Shots now.

-LK Scissor Kick's 1st active part is 3 frames longer, to
 mitigate the frame disadvantage due to the increased movement

-Scissor Kick has no Head Hurtbox during the 1st startup part.
 {subject to be reverted}

-Scissor Kick does less dizzy.

-MK and HK Scissor Kick's 1st hit knocks down, so the juggle
 quota kicks in 1 hit earlier.

-MK and HK Scissor Kick 2nd active part uses the same pushbox
 as the startup and 1st active part.

-MK and HK Scissor Kick 2nd hit's Hitbox have their dimensions
 adjusted, in order for both hits to still be able to combo.

-MK and HK Scissor Kick use a different dizziness value.

-Scissor Kick 2nd Active Part's Foot Hurtbox is enlarged.

-MK and HK Scissor Kick 2nd Hit inflicts medium stun, reducing
 its frame advantage.

-LK Scissor Kick doesn't knock down, like CPS-1 Dictator. It
 be used for tick throws, and against Roll it can combo into

-Fixed misplaced leg tiles on his 1st Devil's Reverse sprites.

-Devil's Reverse does less damage and dizzy.

-Devil's Reverse is an overhead.

-The punching part of Devil's Reverse can be activated as a
 Command Normal in the air. (Diagonal Jump Down+HP)

Rev. 1.6:

-Psycho Crusher's active Body Hurtbox is widened 4px even

Rev. 1.8:

-Knockdown's descent Foot Hurtbox is expanded backwards.

Rev. 1.9:

-Both S.MK's Hitboxes are raised 2px higher, so Emily can
 crouch under them.

-Psycho Crusher's Body Hurtbox is raised higher and expanded
 vertically, to further discourage the move from being spammed,
 especially from full screen. It can no longer pass through
 High Tiger Shots. Characters like Jadoo and Zangief can also
 counter it more comfortably.

-Psycho Crusher's Hitboxes are greatly reduced and don't reach
 as low, so they whiff on Belva during her crouch reels.

-Psycho Crusher's Hitbox during the 1st 2 rotations is moved
 back 6px.

-Psycho Crusher's Hitbox during the 3rd rotation is reduced 6px

-Psycho Crusher's active animation loops to the last 4
 animation frames that use the same Hitbox (sans the LP
 version), negating its combo ability.

Nightmare Dictator:

-Nightmare Dictator receives 2 extra dizzy points per hit.

-Nightmare Dictator receives an extra 60 frames on his dizzy
 timer per hit.

-Opponents get knocked back further by Nightmare Dictator.

Rev. 2.0:

-Jump Foot Hurtbox is expanded 2px downwards.

-Stand Burned uses a projected Body Hurtbox.

-C.MP uses his crouching Body Hurtbox while active.

-C.MK's Hitbox and active Foot Hurtbox are expanded 2px

-Diagonal J.LP can knockdown airborne opponents, at the expense
 of its overhead properties.

-Head Stomp has way less vertical reach, preventing it from
 hitting the 1st active part of Belva's Diagonal J.HP when
 she spaces it correctly.

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