0x06 Zangief

Goal of the Changes:

Incorporate several New Legacy changes, while also making some
fun changes. Like changing his Light and Medium Jump Kick
sprites for variety, meaning only his J.HK uses the drop kick
sprites. One of the changes I wanted to make the most was on
his Lariat startup: It now has its own sprite rather than
recycling S.HP's startup sprite. Capcom could have recycled
the tiles from that sprite to give the Lariat startup its own

Of note, Zangief seems to have the highest amount of sprite
errors out of all the characters in the Genesis SF2 games. Most
of the errors are slightly misplaced tiles on his boots. When
compared to his sprites from the SNES SF2 games, a few of
Zangief's sprites can look a little off.

-Zangief's sprites, including his Cossack Dance sprites are
 edited so that he wears "pants". For the most part, it's
 simply his legs being colored like his attire.

-Jump attacks can't be special cancelled after their 1st frame,
 to prevent him from being able to chain multiple Lariats
 (which automatically cancel by itself in the air).

-Adjusted a few grab positions on his MP Throw and SPD against
 Guile, as their positions looked off.

-Lariat/Crouch Hold, MP Throw/HP Hold and Laugh voice clips
 are higher in pitch. I sort of dislike how the laugh voice
 clip turned out (originally, it was noticeably faster than
 the Arcade version).

-Zangief uses different drop shadows during his stance,
 walking and jumping animations.

-Wakeup animation's last 2 frames use the same parameters as
 the other frames.

-Corrected the position of a foot tile map on his 1st walking
 sprite. The sprite's layout now matches its appearance in
 Special Champion Edition.

-Zangief now has his mid-jumping sprite that was absent from
 the 16-bit console versions. It is also used during
 Close S.LK's startup.

-Zangief now has his knockdown descent sprite.

-Zangief now has the sprite of him hitting the ground from a
 knockdown. It was actually used in the Mega Drive Champion
 Edition protoype.

-Zangief uses his crouch transition sprite when he lands,
 instead of his 3rd stance sprite.

-Adjusted the tile maps of his torso on his stand block sprite.

-Tripped liedown animation now uses separate animation data
 from his last tripped animation frame.

-Tweaked the tile maps on the 1st Win Pose's boots.

-Fixed transparent pixels on one of his boots in Close S.LP's
 3rd sprite.

-Swapped his Win Poses' animation data with each other. His win
 pose where he points his fingers up in the air is now his 2nd
 win pose, like the Arcade version.

-2nd Win Pose now plays the MP Throw grunt each time he points
 his fingers up in the air. There will still be situations
 where the grunt can't be heard, though.

-Zangief now uses the big guy burned sprites, like the Arcade

-Close S.LP now has an anti-air Hitbox on the 1st animation
 frame, like in Hyper Fighting. The Hitbox dimensions were
 copied from Special Champion Edition. Later, I realized that
 the anti-air Hitbox from that game actually still exists in
 the game's data, although it's unused here.

-Close S.LP does less damage (same as C.LP). With the
 reduced pushback from light normals, it could do too much
 damage, should it manage to chain a few hits in.

-Far S.LP, S.MP and S.HP's hitboxes are raised 2px up, and
 reduced 2x vertically, for them to whiff on a standing
 Jadoo. May also lessen the undermining of doing 360's. This
 might also ensure that they can beat Jadoo's Headbutts

-S.MP's animation no longer recycles Far S.LP's sprites.
 Instead, its animation is composed of a Running Bear Grab
 sprite, MP Throw/SPD/Whiff Animation 2nd sprite, MP Throw/SPD
 crouching sprite, Stand Hurt Low 4th sprite.

 Now it kinda animates like a "hammer swing" of sorts. Think of
 it like Blanka's Far S.MP, or Max's combo finisher in Streets
 of Rage 2.

-S.MP 2nd frame uses the same collision assignments as the 1st
 frame (avoids pre-projected hurtboxes).

-S.MP does less damage (same as Neutral J.LP). Due to the
 system change of reduced light & medium pushback, Zangief can
 do Crossup -> S.MP 2X -> C.HK.

-S.HP knocks down, like in New Legacy.

-Close S.LK has a 2 frame faster startup, like in New Legacy.

-Close S.LK reaches further, like in New Legacy. It had a
 tendency to whiff, even after chaining C.LP x2 from point

-Fixed a slightly misplaced tile map on Close S.MK's active

-Far S.MK has a 1 frame slower startup. One of the few things
 I can think of to nerf him on the Jadoo matchup, since Jadoo
 has way less range than E. Honda.

-Far S.MK's Hitbox is shifted slightly upwards, like in New
 Legacy. Its worse horizontal range before Super Turbo will be
 kept as it is.

-Corrected a tile map shape on Close S.HK's 1st sprite, which
 caused his boot to look like it has a stray line of pixels.

-Close S.HK's 2nd startup part now has a Foot Hurtbox.

-Close S.HK's startup is 1 frame faster, 1st hit is 3 frames
 shorter, and recovers 8 frames faster, like in New Legacy.
 Mai could punish the 2nd active part on hit by walking forward
 and using S.LK.

-Close S.HK's 2nd Hit does more damage, like in New Legacy.

-C.MP's Hitbox is shifted slightly forward, like in New Legacy.

-C.MP comes out 1 frame faster, stays active for 2 frames less,
 and recovers 1 frame faster, like in New Legacy.

-C.MP's Head Hurtbox while active is greatly reduced, like in
 New Legacy.

-C.MP's startup and recovery use a different Head Hurtbox that
 match the startup sprite's head further.

-C.HP's Hitbox is raised slightly higher, helping it counter
 Claw's Wall Dives like in HD Remix and New Legacy. It still
 requires some precision to hit Roll out of her Puny Peach.

-Crouch Kick startup sprite is taken from the rejected Champion
 Edition port and tweaked. Zangief now poses differently
 between his crouching startup and active sprites like the
 Arcade version.

-C.MK and C.HK do less dizzy.

-C.HK has a 1 frame faster startup and stays active for 2 more
 frames, like in Hyper Fighting.

-Jump Punch (minus Diagonal J.HP)'s 1st sprite has 2 sprite
 tile maps adjusted to be closer to the SNES version.

-Neutral and Diagonal J.LP use the same Head Hurtbox as their
 startup part throughout the whole moves, like the New Legacy
 change that improved their priority.

-Diagonal J.MP recycles its neutral counterpart's animation

-The active part of both Neutral and Diagonal J.LK use his
 Cossack Dance sprite as seen in his ending.

-Diagonal J.LK stays active for 8 frames longer.

-Diagonal J.LK uses the same Hitbox as Neutral J.LK.

-J.LK can crossup. Think of it like ST Blanka's Diagonal J.LK.

-J.LK has no Pushbox while active.

-Both Neutral and Diagonal J.MK use Close S.MK's sprites.

-Diagonal J.MK uses the same Hitbox as the Neutral version.

-Both J.LK's and J.MK's have their hitbox assignments adjusted.

-Both J.MK's and J.HK's have a 1 frame longer startup. Being
 able to special cancel those moves with air specials enabled
 was simply too much. Zangief is already a lot more dangerous
 with the reduced pushback from light & medium hit stun.

 (their startup appears to be 1 frame slower than in the Arcade

-Fixed a foot tile map on his MP Throw/SPD landing sprite that
 was 2 pixels off.

-MK Throw jumps lower.

-A tile map error on his Punch Air Throw's 1st sprite
 (previously his C.MP Throw in CPS-1 SF2) has been fixed. Part
 of his back arm was disconnected.

-MP Stomach Crunch while active has the same duration and box
 assignments as the HP version.

-Knee Drop sprite has its lower body tile map adjusted, so it's
 closer to how it is in the SNES version.

-Body Splash does less dizzy.

-Headbutt/Stomach Crunch can dizzy in one hit, like in Japanese
 Street Fighter II games.

-Crouch Hold can be used by holding straight downwards (2) in
 addition to diagonals (1, 3), as with most SF2 versions. It
 still tends to not come out in this version of SSF2, for
 whatever reason. By comparison, the SNES version and Special
 Champion Edition don't have such issues.

-HP and Crouch Holds' "non-hitting" part have no Hurtboxes on
 them. Due to the rule of Air Specials, both holds cause the
 opponent to drop down if their Hitboxes hit certain
 characters, instead of going into an air reset state, letting
 them punish Zangief for using these holds. By removing the
 Hurtboxes on those part of the holds, Zangief can block

-Lariat now has a proper Lariat startup sprite, instead of
 recycling S.HP's 1st startup sprite.

-Lariat's pre-spin Hitboxes are raised higher (making it closer
 to CE and HF), so Jadoo can crouch under it. Still can't beat
 Cammy's Neutral J.LK, though.

-Kick Lariat plays the MP Throw/HP Hold grunt, like in HD Remix
 and New Legacy's Old Zangief.

-Lariats' spins play a different sound.

-1st Lariat spinning sprite has its torso tile maps adjusted to
 be closer to the SNES version.

-Lariat's Head Hurtbox while spinning is shifted upwards.

-Lariat 1st Rotation Hitbox shifted 2px downwards.

-Lariats have an improved Foot Hurtbox that lets them pass
 through Low Tiger Shots, but can still be hit by other low
 attacks, like the Kick Lariat in Super Turbo.

-Lariat does less dizzy.

-Lariat's spinning parts do less damage, using the same
 damage table as S.MP.

-Lariat's spinning parts cause a Neck Breaker knockdown, so
 that when it juggles, it causes an Air Reset.

Lariat is easily one of the most difficult moves to balance
around universal juggles. I was trying to come up with so many
different solutions for it.

-LK and MK Running Bear Grab have 2/1 frames faster startup,
 like in New Legacy.

-Medium Kick Throw and Spinning Piledriver play the correct
 voice clip. Originally, the voice clip was unused in the
 Genesis version.

-Spinning Piledriver always moves backwards during the rising
 part, like in New Legacy, instead of to the left regardless of
 facing direction. However, this change also causes the
 computer's SPD's to always move forward (the polar opposite of
 human-controlled SPD's).

-Spinning Piledriver plays a different sound through each spin.

-Spinning Piledriver, Atomic Suplex's 2nd slam and Running Bear
 Grab play a knockdown sound from the first 2 Darkstalkers
 games upon hitting the ground.

-Whiff Animation is 8 frames shorter.

-Atomic Suplex goes into the 2nd slam sooner.

-Zangief lands closer to his opponent after the Suplex.

-Running Bear Grab's startup is faster (2|1|1).

-Running Bear Grab conditions the opponent to block, without
 needing to kara cancel a normal move into it, like in New
 Legacy. This also ensures that his "clothesline" he does when
 the grab whiffs isn't unblockable. Don't forget that you can
 back dash out of the blocking state in this ROM Hack!

-Running Bear Grab travels a longer distance before the grab
 attempt stops.

-Running Bear Grab plays S.HP's animation when the grab whiffs.
 Might catch players by surprise!

-Running Bear Grab's Throw has a tile map error on one of its
 sprites fixed (part of his front arm was spaced out).

-New Move: Coconut Thunder (Jump Down+MP)
 Zangief creates a bolt of lightning beneath him that
 electrocutes the opponent. Zangief then bounces back
 afterwards. Can hit multiple times, and be used as a
 chip killer.

Rev. 1.4:

-Reverted the nerf where Far S.MK's startup became a frame

Rev. 1.8:

-Launcher knockdown animation's 1st 2 parts now have a Foot

-Knockdown animations' last frame each use a different Head
 and Foot Hurtbox, and a previously unused Body Hurtbox that
 used to have its dimensions duplicated from Knee Drop's Body
 Hurtbox. Said Body Hurtbox also covers most of his torso.

-Fixed Zangief's Burn Knockdown animation not having a drop
 shadow. It was like this on unmodified MD SSF2.

-C.LK has the same range that C.MK used to have, like in New

-C.MK's Hitbox is expanded 4px horizontally.

-J.LK's startup uses a different Head Hurtbox that's closer to
 his head, and the Foot Hurtbox is removed.

-J.LK's Hitbox is reduced 4px downwards. It was too good
 against Dictator and Madonna. All the other characters (Roll
 included) had good answers against it. This also means Jadoo
 can now crouch under it.

-Diagonal J.LK's startup uses the same Hurtboxes as the neutral

Rev. 2.0:

-Lariats can now be properly used in the air, instead of ending
 instantly, like in Special Champion Edition. On the downside,
 this means that he can no longer "flutter" as a means of
 getting around projectiles.

-Recolored a(n) eye pixel(s) on the following sprites:
..Jump Apex 1/Piledriver Bounce
..Stand Hurt High 3 (also fixed costumed-colored pixels on
  this sprite)
..Lariat 2

-Running Bear Grab no longer instantly ends after startup when
 used in the air. Recolored orange pixels in the sky to white.

-Running Bear Grab travels even further. Now it can be used as
 an SPD follow up (in certain matchups, at least), as I had

-Running Bear Grab's whiff timers are way shorter
 (16|18|20 frames -> 1|2|3 frames).

Rev. 2.1B:

-Fixed costume-colored pixels on Far S.HK's hitting sprite.

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